SHEI in collaboration with its strategic partners recently developed a mobile application called “ManageAm”.
ManageAm is a unique platform for Diabetes Self-Management – Awareness – Education - Empowerment – Engagement to help users achieve their short and long term health goals.
ManageAm will help users to
Understand Diabetes
Manage type 2 Diabetes
Engage in healthy lifestyle
Empower you to make informed decisions about your care
ManageAm is not only for people with diabetes, but helps everyone to understand diabetes, its risk factors, symptoms, complications, control and general management of the condition.

Diabetes Education – Knowledge brings Empowerment
Health profile tracker - keeps a record of important health related information for you.
Daily glucose meter tracker - maintains a log of how well your blood sugar is controlled.
Meal plan/Guide - helps in planning your meals and eat better for a better result.

Medication tracker - understand how your medication works.
Pill reminder - never miss your dose again.
Wellness tips - for the motivation you need.
Diabetes forum - join the discussions.